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Gabrielle: "Big-mouthed idiot. Maybe it's a code. Maybe it means something. Maybe I'm gonna kill her!"
Warrior... Princess...Tramp
Ares: "You could have had it all, but now I'm mad."
The Xena Scrolls
Xena: "I can’t blame her. She can’t see into my heart. But I’ve got to believe that you can. And I wish you were here. It’s hard to be alone."
Sins Of The Past
Xena: "Any fool can risk his life, it takes a hero to risk his heart."
Animal Attraction
Xena: "Fish don't just catch themselves!"
Fins, Femmes and Gems
Gabrielle to Xena: "Did you ever notice that we never have a problem getting a table?"
The Path Not Taken
Aphrodite to Gabrielle: "So, you shrunk her horse. Big deal! Everybody shrinks as they get older. That's why old people are so short."
Punch Lines
Callisto to Ceaser: "That Xena can really mess up a dream, can't she?"
Ides Of March
Xena: "Sanity is just a veil the gods throw over our eyes to stop us from seeing the truth."
The Furies
Ares: "Sometimes the best man for the job is a woman."
Ties That Bind
Ares: "Leather…mention the leather."
The Quill Is Mighter Then...
Xena: "I like to be creative in a fight. It gets my juices going."
Gabrielle: "Can we cook with your juices?!"
Day in the Life
Gabrielle: "We have Xena, what more do you want?"
Xena: "It’s not easy proving you’re a different person."
Sins Of The Past
Xena: "It takes great strength to show Compassion."
Gabrielle: "The true secret of life is to find peace in yourself and to share it with the world."
Is There A Doctor In The House
Gabrielle: "She (Xena) hardly knows me. She probably doesn't even know I'm gone. I mean, she hardly knows when I'm around. Come to think of it, she doesn't even know my name."
The Deliverer
Xena: "Fear is a flaw, a subtle human flaw given to us by the gods so that they can exploit us."
Betweent the Lines
Gabrielle to Xena: "The first thing is the ‘greater good.' You taught me that. You taught me that there are things is life worth dying for. Things that hold a higher meaning than our own existence."
One Against An Army
Gabrielle: "You know, sometimes people think that a home is a place. It can be a person."
Back In the Bottle
Aphrodite: "Need it ... got it ... hate it ... can always hock it ... Grody! Why do these mortal types always give me fish. I hate fish."
Fins, Femmes and Gems
Gabrielle: "Xena, life is eternal. It has no beginning and no end. The loving friends we meet on our journey return to us time after time. We never die because we were never really born."
Deja Vue All Over Again
Gabrielle (about Xena): "I do not tell her anything. We are a team. I ask."
Miss Amphipolis
Callisto to Xena: "It hurts, doesn't it? Losing your family rips out your heart and your guts and your feelings until all that's left is the pain. Right? Welcome to the club."
Maternal Instinct
Gabrielle: "Xena, you brought out the best in me. Before I met you, no one saw me for who I was. I felt invisible. But, you saw all the things that I could be. You saved me, Xena."
Ides Of March
Gabrielle: "Look, if we can change the King's mind without changing any of his anatomy, think of the example it could be to the children."
Soltice Carol
Gabrielle: "Xena, Warrior Princess, meet Leah, the Priestess...the Hestian Priestess...the Hestian virgin Priestess."
Cyclops to Gabrielle: "Shut up! I hate chatty food."
Sins Of The Past
Gabrielle: "Believe me, if I have to go the rest of my life without companionship, knowing myself won't be a problem."
Gabrielle to Xena: "I'm a part of you. I want it to be like that forever. I love you."
The Abyss
Xena: "All I want is to be with you right now. You're my best friend... my family. I love you, Gabrielle."
One Against an Army
Gabrielle to Xena: "I wish I had a dinar for every time I heard 'Xena the Legendary Warrior Princess'."
Xena: "I'm crazy, I'm not stupid!"
The Furies
Dark Xena to Xena: "Oh, you know me. You know me better than any opponent you’ve ever faced. This might be your Dreamscape, but you can’t control me. I am you."
Aphrodite: "Who would want to look at a stupid river when you could look at me?"
For Him the Bell Tolls
Xena: "Some people see Evil everywhere."
Gabrielle: "So you're saying that today is actually yesterday for you, but for us, you're saying that today is today because we can't remember that yesterday was today, right?"
Xena: "Right."
Gabrielle: "I don't get it."
Xena to Eve: "Eve, sweetheart, if you can't stand the heat, then get the Hell out of my kitchen!"
Heart Of Darkness

Xena: "I have many skills"

Xena to Darius: "I don’t think a dress is gonna change their attitude toward me."
Chariots of War
Gabrielle: "She's come for me. I knew she would. She can't live without me for a minute. Not that I can blame her."
Fins, Femmes and Gems
Gabrielle: "She wants me to fist a fish? I can barely say it, much less do it!"
Fins, Femmes and Gems
Joxer: "Gabrielle awoke with a jerk. Gabrielle awoke with a jerk. That's a funny phrase."
The Quill Is Mighter Then...
Cycnus: "Peace is an illusion. There’s only war, death, victory, and vanquish. There’s no compromise."
Chariots of War
Gabrielle (about Xena): "I miss her. There are so many things that I wish I could tell her ... I would have told her how empty my life was before she came, and all the lessons I've learned, and that I love her."
The Quest
Gabrielle (about Xena): "She's gone. She just left me. How could she do that? She just left. I really want to hate her for it."
The Quest
Gabrielle: "Look, my best friend is Xena, Warrior Princess, and she is not going to like this forced wedding thing, if you get my drift."
Blind Faith
Ares: "That was brilliant. If I was your father, I'd be very, very proud... I still don't get what you see in her (Gabby)."
The Furies
Xena to Gabrielle: "Don’t confuse defending yourself with using a weapon. When you pull a sword, you have to be ready to kill."
Callisto to Gabrielle: "How have you been? Any new husbands since the last one I killed?"
Intimate Stranger
Xena: "That's the funny thing about people. Just when you think you've got them figured out, they show a completely different side to their character."
Sacrifice II
Xena: "Running away isn't a solution. It's what cowards do when they're not willing to fight for what they believe in."
Tale of Two Muses
Ares to Xena: "Nothing more need be said. Ding, dong, the bitch is dead."
The Bitter Suite
Xena: "This is about Gabrielle. You're not testing Mavikan, you're after Gabrielle!"
Ares: "You're not jealous?"
Gabrielle: "I'm gonna kill her. I'm gonna rip out her throat. I'm gonna eat her eyeballs..."
Xena: "You put people on a pedestal, sooner or later they're going to fall and your expectations fall with them."
The Execution
Gabrielle to Xena: "Yeah, after all these years of watching you slaughter nature's creatures, I think I can do this. Look, I don't want you near the food. A lice infested rabbit is not on my diet."
In Sickness And In Hell
Xena: "There's always another point of view."
The Convert
Gabrielle: "There is only one way to change this cycle of hate and it's through love and forgiveness."
Gabrielle to Xena: "You owe someone so much that you would just throw away these last few years?"
The Debt I
Xena to Gabrielle: "If I only have thirty seconds to live… this is how I'd want to live them, looking into your eyes."
A Frend in Need
Xena: "There's always another point of view."
The Convert

Xena: "The eyes of a child are innocent. They can see the world in ways that we have long forgotten."

Gabrielle: "Xena, you know, I don't know if I'm gonna get used to this. It's so weird having your best friend in the body of your worst enemy. Could you dye your hair?"
Intimate Stranger
Xena to Gabrielle: "Don't let pride get in the way. You tried something... and you failed. It happens."
One Against An Army
Xena: "You can't change the one you love. So wise up."
A Comedy of Eros
Gabrielle to Xena: "For your first stab at wisdom, you did all right."
Xena: "I was just saying that for your benefit. You didn’t think I meant it, did you?"
Gabrielle: "I know, it shocked me too, to see how blind I'd been. But, maybe that's what love is, it's blind. I should write that down."
Comedy Of Eros

Xena: "Be careful, we all eventually become what we pretend we are."

Xena: "You are what you do. You can recreate yourself every second of your life."

Gabrielle: "Joxer, it pains me to tell you that all day I have fantasized about ripping you heart out!"
Ten Little Warlords
Gabrielle to Xena: "If I die, I’ll never talk to you again!"
Chariots of War

Спаси Арктику вместе с Люси!

Posted on 24.02.12

Люси и Гринпис

Люси Лоулесс вместе с пятью активистами "Гринписа" захватила в Новой Зеландии буровое судно в знак протеста против нефтяных изысканий у побережья Аляски. Об этом сообщается в твиттере новозеландского отделения организации.

Спартак идёт!

Posted on 24.06.11


Cовсем немного осталось до премьеры долгожданного второго сезона Спартака Spartacus: Vengeance (напомню премьера первой серии намечена на 27 января 2012), а пока можно оценить кадры первой сцены сразу после болтовни Макинтайра ;)

Мы сделали это!!!

Posted on 04.07.11


Юбилейная Годовщина сайта RXWP.RU состоялась в первый уикенд июля!
Погода не подвела, зенайтские игры удались, вспомнили прошлое и подумали о будущем. Десять лет - это только начало! ;)
Подробности с фото, как обычно, ищите на форуме ;)

Люси выиграла Saturn Awards

Posted on 24.06.11


Ну вот и дождались! Люси и её Лукреции из "Спартака" воздали по заслугам на 37-й церемонии вручения Saturn Awards. Аллилуйа! В 2011 году она стала лучшей актрисой второго плана на ТВ) Тутачки можно посмотреть список всех победителей.

Зена в ТОП-25 лучших ролей на ТВ

Posted on 06.05.11


И снова Зена попадает в очередной ТОП самых-самых... :D На этот раз её славное имя уютно расположилось на 11 месте самых лучших женских ролей на ТВ. Русскому зрителю не все имена будут знакомы и вероятно, не совсем понятен выбор первого места, но что есть, то есть)


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Открытие 27.06

Ну что ж дамы и господа, мы слегка обновились) Сайт пока работает в тестовом режиме и со временем будет дополняться и дорабатываться) Мы надеемся, что он станет таким же уютным, как и наш добрый старый рхвп от Gadget и Trinity Смешно

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Поднапряглись, товарищи Круто

Добавлено 06.05

Итак.. закончены разделы Галерея, Мультимедиа, и главные противники Зены))) Осталась самая малость, так сказать Смешно

Добавлено 06.03

Полностью закончены транскрипты (пасип Тамбусе), закончена Энциклопедия зенайта (спасибо мне)

Добавлено 28.02

Кое-что полностью заменила из того, что уже было. Начала делать энциклопедию. Сделаны полностью свиток предложений, гимн и баннеры.

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А Вы приедете на годовщину 2013 в Петрозаводск?






Знаете ли Вы что...

Одно из увлечений Люси - рыбалка (установила 2 мировых рекорда по ловле тунца), а еще болеет за хоккейную команду Detroit Red Wings...

В серии "Ферма старого Ареса" Зена насвистывала главную мелодию из заставки сериала...

Зена изобрела  и успешно применяла трахеотомию и непрямой массаж сердца ("Здесь нужен доктор?")...

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